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Most people are diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis during their most productive working period - between the ages of 20-50. This section aims to explain what MS may mean for your professional life.

Our guide below offers some guidelines on dealing with MS in the workplace, as well as advice for employers.

MS and Your Work

The most important thing to remember is that, professionally, you are still the same person, even if you have just been diagnosed with MS. Your work experience, value and skillsets are unchanged, but there are considerations to take into account.

Every person experiences different symptoms at different times. For some, this can present a challenge at work, while, for others, very little change is needed. Each patient is different, and it's important to take your time and consider every implication about discussing MS with your employer.

Don't rush into making a decision on giving up work or informing your employer immediately. Take the time to discuss in detail your options with your family, trusted colleague, or healthcare professional.

If you work in certain sectors, such as the armed services, or a role where your symptoms may affect the health and safety of you, your colleagues, or the public, then informing them will most likely be mandatory.

If disclosure is not mandatory, you may need their support further down the line (time off for medical appointments or treatments, for example) then it may help if you decide to tell them.

It may still prove worthwhile telling them so they're aware and can offer support in case things change and symptoms increase, impacting your performance at work.

You may be worried about how your employer will react when you tell them about your MS diagnosis. Research has found that people with MS who tell their employer are more likely to remain employed, and stay in work long term, than those who don’t.

Useful Information for Employers

An employee has recently informed you of their MS diagnosis.

What next?

First, take some time to familiarise yourself with MS and hear your employee’s journey. People with MS find it difficult to share news of their diagnosis with their employer, yet they have trusted you with this knowledge. You’re in a good place!

Second, every person with MS has different needs. The regularity and severity of symptoms will vary per person, try not to assume what the employee needs. Many do not require any additional support in the workplace. For those that do, their requirements will be individual to them.

For many, having received the life-changing news that they have developed MS, a supportive employer can make a massive difference. Ideally, their condition will allow them to remain a productive member of staff at work. All that's required from you is some patience, understanding and a willingness to support them with 'reasonable adjustments'.

Most people with MS are under no legal obligation to share their condition with their employer. The decision to do so may be a difficult one to make. Some fear they will be perceived as less capable, or that it might affect their career development, or perhaps that it may even result in termination.

It's taken a lot of courage for your employee to tell you about their MS, please offer as much reassurance and support as practically possible.

POD Cards


This handbook aims to assist people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and their primary carers in navigating the application process for the People of Determination (POD) card from relevant entities in the UAE. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society (NMSS) in the UAE does not offer diagnostic services for Multiple Sclerosis or assistance with the application and acquisition of a POD Card. The guide is intended solely to compile information to streamline the process.


Ministry of Community Development


Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination


National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Multiple Sclerosis


Person / People of Determination

Who are the People of Determination (POD)?

In the UAE, individuals with special needs or disabilities are referred to as "people of determination." This terminology is in line with the UAE's National Policy for Empowering People of Determination to, which aims to acknowledge their accomplishments across various domains. Under this inclusive legislation, POD encompasses people with permanent or temporary physical or mental impairments that hinder their ability to perform tasks effectively.

What does the law say about People of Determination in the UAE?

Federal Law No. 29 of 2006 Concerning the Rights of People with Special Needs, safeguards the rights of POD and ensures their entitlement to live with dignity. As per the law, a person’s special needs must not serve as grounds for the denial of their rights and access to services, particularly in welfare, social, economic, health, educational, professional, cultural, and recreational realms.

Your Rights

Legal Assistance

The state shall ensure legal assistance for people with disabilities in all cases where their freedom is restricted for any legal reason.

Health, Rehabilitation, and Support Services

Every UAE national with a disability or disabilities shall have the right to health, rehabilitation, and support services provided at the expense of the state, including:

Surgical Operations
Examinations and Treatment
Rehabilitation and specialized internal and external treatment
Technological Aids and Auxiliary Systems

Exemptions provided to POD include:


Vehicles reserved for people with disabilities shall be exempted from all taxes and duties.


Vehicles reserved for people with disabilities shall be exempted from parking fees.


Lawsuits filed by people with disabilities in the context of enforcing the law shall be exempted from judicial fees.

In the Media

Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination 2020-2024 marks 3 years of achievements and impact
Strategic Pillars and Initiatives
Abu Dhabi Strategy for People of Determination Booklet

What is a People of Determination (POD) Card?

The People of Determination (POD) card is an official document issued by either the Ministry of Community Development (MOCD), the Community Development Authority (CDA) in Dubai (Sanad), or the Zayed Higher Organization for People of Determination (ZHO) in Abu Dhabi, to individuals with special needs or disabilities.

This card signifies that the bearer is entitled to the services and rights outlined in the UAE Disability Act of 2006.

Both Emirati nationals and residents of the UAE are eligible to applyfor the POD card, granting them unrestricted access to services and facilities.These benefits include priority services, designated parking for POD, legalassistance, discounts, and exclusive offers tailored specifically for people ofdetermination.

The categories of disabilities, as defined by the government, are as follows:

In most cases, Multiple Sclerosis falls under the Physical Disability Category.

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity
Specific Learning Difficulties


Who is eligible to apply for a POD card?
How can I apply for a Zayed Higher Organization POD Card in Abu Dhabi?
How can I apply for a Sanad card for People of Determination in Dubai?
What are the fees for applying for the POD Card in UAE?
Does each Emirate have an entity that issues POD Cards?

Steps to request a POD Card Online:


Ensure you have an active UAE Pass Account to obtain the quickest service.


Application for Fazaa Hemam Discount Card accepts both ZHO and MOCD Cards.
Zayed Higher Organization

Abu Dhabi: 02-3056666, 02-3056656, 02-3056662
Al Ain: 02-3056669, 050-4440143


1. Passport Size Photo with White Background
2. Medical Report (Less than one year old)


1. Go to TAMM to apply.
2. Fill in the required information.
3. Select "Multiple Disability" from the Disability Type list.
4. In the "Disability Details" list, select the relevant disability (MS is sometimes categorized as a physical disability.)
5. Upload a passport-size personal photograph.
6. Upload Medical Assessment Report.
7. Check the box to agree to the terms and conditions.
8. Press Submit.

Ministry of Community Development

Get in touch via: Contact Page (


1. Scanned copy of Emirates ID – Front and Back
2. Medical Report: Only reports issued by a Government Hospital are accepted.
3. Optional: Supporting Documents, if any, are available
4. Passport Size Photo with White Background


1. Using your UAE Pass, sign into وزارة تنمية المجتمع (
2. Then access this service page.
3. Fill out the required information.
4. In the "Disability Type" section, select "Multiple".
5. In the "Details" section, mention you have been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.
6. In the "Disability Severity" section, select the severity of your condition.
7. Mention any devices you use due to your diagnosis in the "Supporting Devices" section.

POD Card Benefits

Fazaa Hemam



Free/POD Parking



Excess Tint on Private Vehicles

Depends on Medical Report and Traffic Medical Committee Approval

Depends on Medical Report and Traffic Medical Committee Approval

Free/Discounted Access to the Majority of Public Events and Festivals



Exemption from Road Tolls and Parking Fees in Abu Dhabi

(Parking/Road Permit Required)



Exemption from Road Tolls in Dubai (RTA/Salik)

Parking/Road Permit Required



Priority Customer Service



Emirates Health Services Card



Free Entry to Museums in UAE



Etisalat /Du 50% Discount



Free Entry to Parks across the UAE



For the full list of benefits provided to each cardholder, kindly visit the below URLs:

Ministry of Community Development POD Card

Zayed Higher Organization POD Card

Sanad POD Card

Additional Resources

What is the FAZAA HEMAM Cards Initiative?

Online services for people of determination

Benefits Provided to People of Determination

The Sanad Card for People of Determination in the Emirate of Dubai

What is the SANAD Card?

Issue of a Health Card for people of determination

People of Determination are eligible to the following privileges from ITC

Next chapter

Advancing Research

Advancing Research